Brand strategy

After 25+ years in advertising as creative and copywriter, I’ve shaped an understanding and appreciation for the strategic process behind nailing what a brand should communicate. Through a number of assignments in my career as copywriter (like Audi and Fjällräven) I have doubled as strategic planner and creative. Digging into behavior, perceptions, facts, research and collecting the full scope of consumer insights - in order to prepare inspirational guidance to the creative team (which I also was a part of). Planning has always been about teeing up the best possible conditions for great ideas. Being thorough in all three phases of the brand funnel - from awareness to consideration and decision. Making sure we’re picking up the correct scent, that'll lead to effective results. Through disruptive campaign work.

Strategy is not about validating ideas. Strategy comes first, and great ideas is the magic that builds on this path. 

This is why a strategist must have one foot in the idea work, an eye for the magic, and an absolute belief in creativity’s role in changing the course for a brand.

As a copywriter, it always starts with strategy. Working with bigger teams, this becomes the intensely rewarding process of eventually shaping a framework on which everything will be based. Bring eveyone on board, inspire clients, and translate the strategy into a few irresistible sentences - that spark the team's will to make this campaign the one to beat. 

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